Saturday, April 9, 2011


Cold hearts and Hot heads never solved anything. I heard this quotation from my sp*cial s*meone. Sure short quote really means a lot to me, maybe to us. 

Sure, trying to be logical while you are hurt is a really hard thing to do and being stubbornly cold is a lot easier. Sure, that making the other person guilty about what he/she had done to you makes you feel a lot better than eating your pride and letting that go. 

But maybe one should think about what is more important, the thing that that person did to you or the person himself. No one is perfect for everyone has a flaw. 

I know being hurt is really hard. It makes someone standing up turn into a person face down with a flick of a hand. 

Love isn’t flawless either but for sure it’s worth it.

nothing is accomplished when revenge is put in mind, it’s just creating a cycle of hate towards each other. 


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