Tuesday, February 12, 2008


all i wish. that more people will understand the real me
    all i crave. acceptance like anyone else
all i cared. others instead of me
    all i dreamed. a skill of flight to loosen ends, a simple form of escape

a simple dream. all is good; no worries
   a wish. never been granted as always and forever
a time. i say sorry for those whom i have hurt in the things that i say
a chance. to dream that someday you will succeed

this time. no one accepts who i am
this place. a sanctuary where in i can be myself
this words. not coming from my nostrils but sincerely from inside
this body. in time i will depart but hoping to born a simple memory

hatred. a feeling that no one can escape from
    love. everybody is seeking, a glance from everybody's eyes
purity. even how clean, no body ever achieved.
    imagination. lack in everybody, too old to dream.

heart. always to be in someone else's
mind. it's a tool and neither of anybody's proper usage
hands. even so clean is full of dirt and when it's dirty, cleanliness achieved
eyes. defy everything present.

prospect. given by people, not everyone realizes
dream. neither day or night. gives something that some humans cannot achieve.
sound. brave nor coward. senseless and truthful
life. created. short hence long. not happy but not sad

work. praying for living. created of the ended
drawing. can't words, no expression.
writing. peace more than one's head
walking. more than places to see but something hidden within.

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