This is a picture from one of my e.c.e. days. always wearing a cap, insecured in the world, always wondering, and always smiling, joking and fooling around specially when my friends are around.
I think I'm a student who's always care free, and doesn't care about what's going to happen, like a child that "knows only the beauty of the world but not the other side of it". A typical child that is selfish. But as the thinking progresses, slowly, i am understanding what is the face of the earth, the world I am standing at. I am the type that sees as a whole, not by parts.
Change, I don't know if it's the only thing that's constant. Anyway, everything changes, like my course, from Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering to Bachelor of Science in Architecture.
Sometime in my existence, I Thought of having a job when i grew up to be a janitor, police, or even a garbage collector and I am proud of having those jobs because it's a clean job, "I only want to live" no more no less. Everybody laughed, and as any child will react, my eyes got teary. maybe now, i know why.
"Have a dream", that's what they said. But I already had a dream, so i sulked for a long time, maybe after 5 minutes, I moved on.
A commercial of a certain brand of coffee here in the Philippines had a tag line, "para kanino ka bumabangon?", a question that's maybe easy yet so hard to answer.
A simple dream, becomes a dream.
A dream that you would dare to become reality. you live not for others but also for other people.
As of now, I'm still the same student with a little twist, i wear a bonnet, thinks about what i want to see the world, always wondering, and always smiling, joking and fooling around specially when my friends are around, simple architecture student.
what about you?